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Rendering modes

Route modules's default rendering mode is Seamless SSR to CSR, akin to Next.js and Nuxt.js), but it can be customized as follows.

Server only

If a route module exports serverOnly set to true, only SSR will take place.

The client gets the server-side rendered markup without any accompanying JavaScript or data hydration.

You should use this setting to deliver lighter pages when there's no need to run any code on them, such as statically generated content sites.

export const serverOnly = true
export function Index () {
  return <p>No JavaScript sent to the browser.</p>
export const serverOnly = true
export function Index () {
  return <p>No JavaScript sent to the browser.</p>

This example is part of the react-kitchensink starter template.

Client only

If a route module exports clientOnly set to true, no SSR will take place, only data fetching and data hydration. The client gets the empty container element (the one that wraps <!-- element --> in index.html) and all rendering takes place on the client only.

You can use this setting to save server resources on internal pages where SSR makes no significant diference for search engines or UX in general, such as a password-protected admin section.

export const clientOnly = true
export function Index () {
  return <p>No pre-rendered HTML sent to the browser.</p>
export const clientOnly = true
export function Index () {
  return <p>No pre-rendered HTML sent to the browser.</p>

This example is part of the react-kitchensink starter template.


If a route module exports streaming set to true, SSR will take place in streaming mode. That means if you have components depending on asynchronous resources and <Suspense> sections with defined fallback components, they will be streamed right way while the resources finish processing.

import React, { Suspense } from 'react'

export const streaming = true

export default function Index () {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<p>Waiting for content</p>}>
      <Message />

function Message () {
  const message = afterSeconds({
    id: 'index', 
    message: 'Delayed by Suspense API',
    seconds: 5
  return <p>{message}</p>
import React, { Suspense } from 'react'

export const streaming = true

export default function Index () {
  return (
    <Suspense fallback={<p>Waiting for content</p>}>
      <Message />

function Message () {
  const message = afterSeconds({
    id: 'index', 
    message: 'Delayed by Suspense API',
    seconds: 5
  return <p>{message}</p>

This example is part of the react-kitchensink starter template.

Released under the MIT License.